Watch Barack Obama Address the Nation About Murder of George Floyd

Two days after President Donald Trump addressed the country, former president Barack Obama is set to make his first on-camera remarks regarding the murder of George Floyd.

Trump’s predecessor will speak to the nation regarding Floyd’s unjust death at the hands of Minneapolis P.D., and the protests that have been inspired by this latest instance of police brutality. The live stream — which is embedded above — is set to begin at 5/4c.

The address will be part of an town hall, portions of which are expected to air on major TV news networks. The event will also include a panel on police reform featuring ex-Attorney General Eric Holder.

Per NBC News, the speech will “draw an implicit contrast between Trump’s handling of the policing crisis and the policies Obama advocated as president to increase trust between police and communities of color.” He will “directly reference the death of George Floyd before pivoting to ‘specific reforms that ensure better, safer policing and foster a sense of trust between communities and law enforcement while keeping cities safe.’”

Obama’s address comes two days after he released a written statement on social media that suggested how this avoidable tragedy can mark a major turning point and bring about real change. That same day, Trump delivered his aforementioned speech from the White House Rose Garden, where he threatened to deploy the U.S. military to cities or states that don’t take “necessary” actions to halt violent protests. At the same time, law enforcement officers were across the street, where they were given the go-ahead by AG William Barr to deploy tear gas and shoot rubber bullets at peaceful protesters so that Trump could make his way over to St. John’s Church, which was damaged by rioters over the weekend.

In addition to Obama, fellow former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have also addressed Floyd’s death. Clinton referred to his murder as “a painful reminder that a person’s race still determines how they will be treated in nearly every aspect of American life,” while Bush said that it “remains a shocking failure that many African Americans, especially young African American men, are harassed and threatened in their own country.”

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