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Susan Rice Runs Interference For ANTIFA; Claims Russia Is Behind Riots

Efforts by domestic terrorists to destabilize the United States are ongoing as is the effort to gaslight the public from the corrupt media and former Obama regime officials.

One of them is Susan Rice, the former national security advisor who is at the center of the framing of General Michael Flynn and who to this day, carries water for her former boss Barack Obama.

With it becoming increasingly clear that the riots that are taking place in multiple cities under Democrat control are not really about slain black man George Floyd but rather the product of ANTIFA agitators, the media is spinning like tops to place the blame elsewhere.

On Sunday, Rice went on CNN with multimillionaire star anchor Wolf Blitzer where she predictably blamed it all on Putin and the Russians.

via Fox News, “Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations”:

Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice bizarrely suggested in a televised interview Sunday that the Russians could be behind the violent nationwide demonstrations following the in-custody death of George Floyd, although she offered no evidence for the incendiary claim.

Rice’s made the claim after top Democrats insisted for years that the White House had conspired with Russia, although Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence to support any conspiracy with Russia by any U.S. actor to influence the 2016 election. Her remarks also came amid efforts by Democrats to pin the blame on outside white supremacist agitators, even though data suggests the vast majority of arrested protesters in recent days are local.

“To designate Antifa a terrorist organization, fine, but let’s also focus on the right-wing terrorist organizations,” Rice told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, referring to President Trump’s decision earlier in the day to brand the left-wing militant group as a terrorist organization. “The white supremacists that he’s called, in the past, very fine people.”

Her proof? None is required by CNN which has a 24/7 anti-American agenda.

Rice also invoked the “very fine people” hoax that takes comments from President Trump during the Charlottesville incident out of context despite the existence of video and a transcript that shows that Democrats and the media are bald-faced liars.

In an ironic way Rice is right that the riots are coming out of the “Russian playbook” only that it is the game plan of the communist Bolsheviks that is serving as influence for this obvious domestic insurrection against not only President Trump but the entire system.

Not wasting an opportunity to pour an accelerant on the racial aspects of the riots, Rice also invoked militant former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick who surfaced on Twitter to call for violence – he wasn’t banned by Jack Dorsey’s censors.

Rice told Blitzer:

“We need leadership desperately Wolf, that doesn’t demonize peaceful protest frankly from Colin Kaepernick to those who tried to peacefully protest in recent days. We need leadership that listens, that understands that these are very real problems that we have to address.”

As for the riots, with President Trump announcing that ANTIFA would be designated as a terrorist organization by the federal government, Rice has skin in the game and a lot to lose if the same Obama loyalists have their fingerprints on the insurrection as they did on the coup.

Notable is that there is one prominent black leadership figure who could bring the riots to a close with a few words of moderation – Rice’s former boss.

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