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President Trump Shuts Down MSNBC Reporter’s Yamiche Alcindor Rude Question: ‘You Are Something Else’

President Donald Trump pack up a rude question from MSNBC reporter Yamiche Alcindor after she wouldn’t take no for a solution

Yamiche has had quite a couple of dustups with Trump and today was no different. She interrupted him during a bill signing Friday at the White House and was promptly pack up by Trump.

She later went on MSNBC and accused Trump of using her and other reporters as props by putting the media’s chairs approximate today.

From The Daily Caller:

A male reporter agreed to attend until after Trump signed the bill to ask an issue and Alcindor immediately followed up with an issue of her own.

“Ugh, you’re something else,” Trump said as he waved her off. Alcindor repeated her question, but was ignored.

Just before Trump’s comment to Alcindor, he said that the present country-wide protests happening are going to be great for several Americans. Trump veered during his response and commenced to praise the American economy.

“What’s happened to our country and what you now see that’s been happening is that the greatest thing which will happen for race relations, for the African-American community, for the Asian-American, for the Hispanic-American community, for women, for everything, because our country is so strong,” Trump said.

“And that’s what my plan is. We’re gonna have the strongest economy within the world.”

Daily Caller

President Trump to @Yamiche as she asks him questions while signing the PPP bill:

“You are something else”

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8:18 AM – Jun 5, 2020
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