After President Biden Flies To The Lone-Star State – He Hits Bumpy Political Winds With Dropping Approval And High Gas Prices

Joe Biden’s decisions only appear to be hurting Americans. He has announced numerous sanctions on Russia, in light of its invasion of Ukraine. But so far, they have done nothing to hinder Putin. They have, however, put tremendous pain on regular Americans—who struggle to put gas in their cars.

Biden is increasing our pain by banning Russian oil—with no plans to increase American production. And the far-left Democrat has decided to make this gloomy announcement in a state known for oil—Texas.

From Fox News:

When he travels to Texas Tuesday, President Biden will be greeted with near-record gas prices as the Russia-Ukraine war stretches into a thirteenth day.

Before he leaves Washington for Fort Worth, Biden is expected to announce a ban on Russian oil imports to the United States.

Americans are experiencing the highest gas prices since the 2008 financial crisis, with the national gas price average reaching more than $4 per gallon – the highest average to date, according to AAA.

Why on earth did Biden choose to go to Fort Worth, TX on the day he announced an oil ban? That’s one of the most conservative cities, in one of the most conservative states in America. And it is a state that made its mark with pumping oil. Gee, his handlers are really knocking it out of the park, these days.

I wouldn’t expect a warm welcome for Joe. Especially with his latest approvals.

From Rasmussen Reports:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll… for Tuesday shows that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 21% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 49% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -28.

We don’t know who is advising Biden, but they should really be fired. Joe Biden’s approval—one a day when he announces measure that will increase gas prices—is now at 41% according to Rasmussen. That’s actually high, compared to other recent polls. His disapproval is consistent with others, at a shocking 58%. His rating is -28, meaning far more strongly disapprove than approve.

This comes as Biden announces a ban on Russian oil and gas. But he isn’t planning on increasing American oil at the same time. We wouldn’t be nearing $5/gallon national average for gas if we had the same level of production from the Trump era. Is Biden really that blind that he can’t see that?

All he has to do is lift his orders that clamped down on American energy. That would not only help put pain on Russia—but ensure Americans won’t go bankrupt trying to fill their tanks. Yet Biden’s team—whoever they are—seem to think Americans like using up a larger portion of their paychecks just putting gas into their cars.

And he’s going to Texas on the day he announces this? I sure hope there will be people on hand to boo him into oblivion. He won’t get the message, but at least we’ll make some noise.

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