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Ted Cruz Gives American Freedom Truckers A Boost – After Media Blackout Ron And Ted Plan To Meet With Them In D.C.

Joe Biden hopes to distract from all his domestic problems by focusing on the conflict in Europe. It seems the media has forgotten all about Biden’s low approval numbers, his inflation, and a flagging economy. As if Russia invading Ukraine is going to make Americans forget Biden almost went to war with them, with his abusive mandates and America-last agenda.

But America hasn’t forgotten. And a massive convoy of truckers has crossed the country to protest Biden’s ongoing plans to hamper American prosperity. This People’s Convoy has been ignored by the mainstream media. Even as Biden turns on the MSM, they stubbornly continue to support his failed presidency. So, two top Republican senators, including Ted Cruz, are raising awareness.

From Biz Pac Review:

Two Republican senators plan to meet with members of the “People’s Convoy” as the massive armada of trucks and vehicles has reached Washington D.C., the destination of its cross-country journey to protest President Joe Biden’s authoritarian response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) will meet with The People’s Convoy to discuss the harmful effects of President Biden’s vaccine mandates,” according to a press release from Senator Johnson’s office.

Ted Cruz is being joined by Ron Johnson to greet the People’s Convoy as it reaches Washington, D.C. The convoy received a warm welcome and rally in Maryland’s Hagerstown Speedway as it continued to D.C. Now, Cruz and other Republicans will be welcoming them as they reach the nation’s capital.

The convoy was modeled after the one in Canada, which was brutally shut down by Comrade Trudeau. The episode was a stain on Trudeau’s record and could come back to haunt his agenda. But that convoy sparked a movement across the world, including the U.S. Truck drivers are the backbone of our economy—and a vital link to saving the supply chain. Yet Biden’s extreme mandates have put many of them in a tough place.

If we want to recover from the numerous economic crises hurting America, we need a thriving trucker industry. That not only includes new truck drivers joining the throng, but trucker companies that feel incentive to continue their work. Biden doesn’t seem to see it that way, as mandates and environmental regulation puts a strain on the one group that is keeping our supply chain alive.

You’d think “blue collar” Joe would realize how important truckers are, but no.

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