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Cuomo Investigation Breaks Wide Open – Audit Finds His Casualty Toll Was Off “By As Much As 50%”

Disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo is in trouble once again. This time, a New York state comptroller audit has uncovered a jarring statistic that might be worse than anyone anticipated.

Back in early 2021, the Cuomo administration ordered nursing homes to bring in recovering COVID patients. This proved to be a deadly mistake, according to statistics.

Many claimed this led directly to a surge in deaths among the elderly, and there were widespread accusations that Cuomo’s team suppressed the true death toll.

Before Cuomo stepped down from his position, questions swirled over whether or not Cuomo’s administration intentionally hid the actual number of deaths.

And the other question was: how many elderly casualties did he really keep from the public? Were we talking about a few hundred or was the fallout significantly worse than that?

Unfortunately, it appears the latter is the case: the audit has revealed that the former Governor

That isn’t a small number. And according to the New York Times:

The audit found that Health Department officials at times underreported the full death toll by as much as 50 percent from April 2020 to February 2021, as Mr. Cuomo faced increasing scrutiny over whether his administration had intentionally concealed the actual number of deaths.

New York state comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said the 41-page report is “extremely troubling,” and alleges the public had been lied to.

He added that families have a right to know if their loved one was part of the COVID death toll, and many still don’t have answers. The situation is both sad and ugly, as far as DiNapoli is concerned.

He further stated:

The public was misled by those at the highest level of state government through distortion and suppression of the facts when New Yorkers deserved the truth.

That’s 4,100 nursing home deaths that were essentially ignored and/or covered up by the Cuomo administration, and it’s as much as 50 percent more than the originally reported numbers.

The Times says Cuomo’s team suppressed the stats by only counting “residents who had died in such facilities, excluding residents who died in hospitals.” That led to an artificially lower tally.

Ironically, Cuomo was initially honored for his response to the pandemic.

The former governor received the 2020 International Emmy Founders Award for “his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and his masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world.”

Except now, we’ve learned that his “informing and calming” effort was riddled with falsehoods. Thankfully, the Academy took back that award.

On top of all this, Cuomo was hit with numerous sexual assault allegations, and eventually it all led to the governor’s downfall.

That doesn’t help the thousands of people who lost loved ones due to a poor decision by this leader, however. And while this audit does offer some justice, it doesn’t fix Cuomo’s monumental mistake.

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