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Trump Lays Out His Future With Pence – For 2024 Donald Says Pence Partnership Won’t Be Accepted By The People

Many Americans have been wondering what Donald Trump’s future plans are. He’s hinted at what he might do for 2024. He’s repeatedly said that many folks will be “very happy” with what he ends up doing.

But, so far, he hasn’t announced a presidential run. If he does, however, it might look very different from his previous campaigns.

Speculation has grown over Donald Trump’s relationship with his former VP, Mike Pence. We all know that Trump was disappointed by Pence’s decision not to contest the 2020 Election results. From what we’ve seen since then, the two have gone their separate ways.

The former vice president continues to remain active, but on his own terms. Is it possible they will reunite in 2024? Trump set that record straight in a recent interview.

From Washington Examiner:

Former President Donald Trump is effectively ruling out tapping former Vice President Mike Pence as his running mate should he mount a third White House bid in 2024 and win the Republican nomination.

“I don’t think the people would accept it,” Trump told the Washington Examiner…

The former president cited friction stemming from the aftermath of the 2020 election, suggesting their differences are too stark to overcome…

The former president called Pence a “really fine person” but signaled their relationship might be irrevocably broken.

Trump spoke about his future relationship with Mike Pence during a recent interview. He was asked if he’d run again with Pence as his possible VP. It appears Trump is rejecting the idea saying the “people” won’t accept it. Trump has long criticized Pence’s role in certifying Joe Biden’s electoral “victory.” The 45th president strongly disagrees with Pence’s view on what he could do as the President of the Senate.

Pence also continues to maintain he did the right thing. I think it’s safe to say that Trump’s millions of supporters would beg to differ. Much of the frustration over the 2020 Election (and the subsequent Biden presidency) can be traced back to Pence’s decision. Millions of Americans are suffering right now thanks to Biden’s radical, socialist agenda. Do they think this could have been avoided, had Pence done the “right” thing? Probably.

Should Trump select him again as his running mate, it could turn off many supporters. But it doesn’t seem like Trump harbors any ill-will from the man. He continues to think he is a “really fine person,” though he admits he hasn’t spoken with him “in a long time.” Meanwhile, it appears Pence has launched off into his own political movement.

He speaks at events and strategizes with conservative leaders. Some believe he might run for president as well in 2024, which could spark an intense showdown between the former partners.

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