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Kamala Harris Just Got Abandoned – The Vice President’s Deputy Press Secretary Rides On A Wave Of Departures

Oh, what can we say about Kamala Harris? There’s not much good to cover. The “vice president” has worse approval than old Joe. She seems to be following in his footsteps at being horribly odd in front of the cameras.

And her reputation for running a chaotic and abusive office has followed her from the Senate to the administration.

Stories surfaced last year that Harris’s office was very dysfunctional. The woman herself was accused of talking down to people. In the last few months, top staffers fled her employ, for lower-ranking jobs in D.C. And that trend seems to be continuing. Because a top aide just abandoned ship—for a job at the DOD.

From Fox News:

A top aide to Vice President Kamala Harris will leave her role to take a new position at the Defense Department, adding to a pattern of departures from Harris’ office in recent months.

Sabrina Singh, Harris’ current deputy press secretary, will vacate the office and take on a new role with the U.S. Defense Department, according to an internal email detailing staff changes in Harris’ office that was obtained by CBS News.

Yet another member of the White House’s press team is fleeing for the hills. She had already lost two top members of her press and communications teams. Now, Harris is losing a top aide that served as her deputy press secretary. Sabrina Singh joined Team Harris back in March 2020. But it seems she’s had enough. She is taking a role in the Department of Defense, which can only be considered a demotion.

Another staffer of Harris’s fled earlier for a job at the Department of Labor, another seeming demotion. There are precious few jobs in D.C. that are higher than working for the president or vice president. Yet these people are willing to downgrade, just to get away from Kamala. This only further cements the rumors that she is hard to work with.

Notice how those leave worked in the communications/press department. These are people who had to work closely with Harris, in order to shape her public image. Either that or facilitate communications with other departments and agencies. Not an easy job for anyone. But that job must have been even harder, with Harris’s reputation for mistreatment and her steady stream of gaffes.

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