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President Donald Trump Rocks Florida Rally – The Former President Makes A Pledge That “I Will Be Back”

Donald Trump has been out of office for over a year. Yet, from all appearances, he remains of the most popular figures in American politics. In fact, according to some recent polls, he’s more popular than anyone currently serving in public office.

His popularity within his own party is higher than ever. And despite social media blackouts and ongoing attacks by the MSM, he continues to connect with everyday Americans.

Over the last year, he has appeared at various events and rallies. He’s spoken at major conferences. This last weekend, he made an appearance in Florida for the American Freedom Tour. The crowd couldn’t have been more packed out. And during the exciting event, he made a bold pledge that will turn heads all across America.

And make Democrats very worried. From Breitbart:

The crowd was abuzz in anticipation of Trump’s remarks. In a tweet, Taylor Budowich, communications director for Save America and Donald Trump, said that one supporter equated the event to an Elvis concert…

The 45th president promised the crowd he would return and that America would be better than ever, according to a tweet from the tour.

“You had a president that always put America first,” Trump told supporters. “I will be back and we [America] will be better and stronger than ever before.”

Trump spoke to a stadium packed with thousands. Attendees described the event as something close to a rock concert. Enthusiasm was clearly through the roof, especially as he said, “I will be back.” Now, what could he have meant by that?

Supporters have been hoping for Trump to announce a 2024 campaign for a while now. Every time Biden hits a new failure milestone, more Americans hope Trump can come back and fix what Joe’s broken. But a variety of factors have prevented Trump from officially declaring his plans. But during this rally, he made perhaps the strongest suggestion yet that he will run.

Currently, Trump is leading various PACs to help Republicans retake Congress in 2022. It’s no secret that he is the de facto leader of the party, as many candidates flock to Mar-A-Largo for his support and guidance. But his statement “I will be back,” suggests Trump is eyeing another White House run.

In addition to that, he promised supporters that “America will be better and strong than ever before.” That’s certainly something many people need to hear. Thanks to Joe Biden, America is suffering one crisis after another. It doesn’t seem like anything can get much worse, then it does. But if Trump can come back and right these wrongs, perhaps there will be hope.


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