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Biden Makes A Supreme Court Confession – And He Just Exposed The White House Claim He Watched The Hearings

Joe Biden seems to love getting himself into trouble. The man has a knack for saying just the wrong thing—at just the wrong time. That’s what happened last week, while he was in Poland. What Biden said could make the situation in Ukraine worse or provoke Russia against the United States. But he also said something recently that put his entire staff in hot water.

Last week, one of Biden’s staffers said he watched “portions” of Judge Jackson’s confirmation hearings. The spokesperson went on to say that Biden was “moved” by the radical activist’s “grace and dignity.” M-hm. Guess what Biden said recently when asked about the hearings?

From Twitter:

JOE BIDEN: “I didn’t get a chance to see any of” Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing

RANDOM BIDEN STAFFER: “The president watched portions of Judge Jackson’s hearing yesterday and today…He was also moved by the grace and dignity she has shown”

Oh, give me a break. How pathetic is this administration? After a White House mouthpiece claimed Biden was “moved” by Judge Jackson’s performance last week, Biden bombs the whole thing by saying he didn’t “see any of it.” So… his White House staff was lying, right?

Or was Biden mistaken? Or was he just confused? Maybe he forgot? This is the confirmation of his own Supreme Court nominee. That’s a pretty big deal for a president. He didn’t watch any of it? That’s pretty disgraceful and sends a bad message to the Senate and Judge Jackson herself.

Maybe Biden got his cues mixed up? Maybe he thought his handlers wanted him to say that? Or, he just said that so he wouldn’t be forced to answer the question. His handlers probably told him to avoid answering anything he didn’t have pre-written answers for. So, he made up the claim he didn’t see the hearings.

Regardless, this exposes the White House’s slippery relationship with the truth. Obviously, someone is lying. And they are doing a poor job of covering it up.

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