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Maxine Waters Caught Giving Homeless People An Eye-Raising Order – Then Tells Journalist Not To Report On Event

Political figures are constantly in the public eye, and they should expect journalists to report on their actions and words. Reporters are frequently on hand, especially in regards to public events.

However, Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters apparently made a faux pas at a recent homeless gathering in Los Angeles. And she might’ve made an even bigger mistake a few moments later.

It all began when Waters arrived at a confusing event in L.A. that involved hundreds of homeless individuals.

They had gathered due to inaccurate social media reports that the city was handing out Section 8 housing vouchers. This resulted in a disorganized throng near a homeless encampment, and tensions were high.

The staff were having difficulty dealing with the situation, and Rep. Waters was on hand. Then per the New York Post, she allegedly made her first mistake:

And after many responded in anger to her statement, Waters apparently got angry and swore at the assembled homeless citizens, claiming nobody in D.C. worked harder for them.

As released by Fox News:

At one point, when it was clear that staff at the event were being overwhelmed, Waters reportedly said to the crowd, ‘I want everybody to go home.’

That comment reportedly triggered an angry response from the crowd, many of whom were homeless.

‘We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here!’ one member of the crowd reportedly said back. ‘What home we gonna go to?’

Watters then grew frustrated and said, ‘Excuse me, there’s nobody in Washington who works for their people any f— harder than I do. I don’t want to hear this. No, no, no.’

Unsurprisingly, this drew the attention of local reporters. But when a journalist from the L.A. Times contacted Rep. Waters about what had transpired, she reportedly warned him not to run any story.

There was clear frustration on the part of the poor and homeless at the event, though. And many were angry about how everything was being handled, and this included Rep. Waters.

One homeless disabled citizen, Joyce Burnett, told the L.A. Times that Waters told them to come back Tuesday with the proper paperwork filled out. But she ran into a brick wall:

I have it, everything they asked for. But every time we get near the front of the line, they shut the door.

They opened the door about 20 minutes ago and said they’re not servicing anyone else today.

The homeless situation in California has been well-documented in recent years, and many accuse the long-standing Democrat regime of failing to fix the problem.

Rep. Waters and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have come under fire for this failure in the past, and those affected are getting tired of red tape and empty promises.

It certainly doesn’t help the situation when an elected official loses her temper at a group of people far more unfortunate than she, and then tells a reporter not to cover the story.

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