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Joe Manchin Stands Up To Biden – The Senator Demands Title 42 Be Upheld At The Border

Sen. Joe Manchin has been a fair-weathered ally to conservatives. And it’s getting hard to predict what he’ll do next. The Democrat hails from West Virginia—which went for Trump in both elections. Clearly, he can’t jump onto the progressive bandwagon, even if he wanted to. But in recent days, he’s done things that won’t sit well with the folks back home.

He suggested he’d be open to a new version of Biden’s socialist “Build Back Better” agenda. And he said he’d vote to confirm Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court, a woman who is clearly a radical activist. But now, he seems to be pivoting once again, becoming a thorn in Joe Biden’s side. Because the senator is calling out Joe’s plan to set the border on fire.

From The Hill:

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is urging the Biden administration to rethink plans to rescind Title 42 amid reports the White House plans to unwind the Trump-era policy allowing for rapid expulsions at the border while barring migrants from seeking asylum…

“I urge you to again renew this commonsense policy that has been in effect—under both Republican and Democratic Administrations—since March 2020.”

The letter urged Walensky to extend the policy after the CDC said it would review the policy through March 30.

Joe Manchin is defying the Biden administration by calling for Title 42 to be kept in place. This rule allowed border agents to quickly expel border jumpers, in order to keep detention centers from overcrowding. But Biden is set to remove this rule, which immigration experts predict will result in an ever-greater surge at the border.

Manchin wrote a letter to the CDC, urging them to reconsider. He pointed to the possibility of future transmission, saying now was not the time to “throw caution to the wind.” He called Title 42 a “commonsense policy” which is still needed. Perhaps Manchin is still worried about the virus. Or, perhaps, he knows that the folks in West Virginia would not like him sitting on the sidelines over this issue.

The senator might not be able to openly call for tighter restrictions on the border, but he should. Biden’s terrible policies have allowed over 2 million migrants to bombard our country. Sleepy Joe has spent tax dollars to ship many of these invaders to all corners of America. If Sen. Manchin wants to protect and support his voters, he needs to do more to keep the border secure.

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