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Kamala Harris Suffers Her Worst Loss Yet – After Top Staffer Quits The VP Is Hiring Bill Gates Speechwriter

What can we really say about Kamala Harris—that hasn’t already been said? The media hyped her when Biden picked Kamala as a running mate. But since becoming “vice president,” the woman has done nothing to distinguish herself in the job.

In fact, she failed to do even the jobs Biden’s given her. And we learned she actually complained that Biden wasn’t given her more important tasks—which would have been bigger disasters.

Harris’s office is reportedly a mess. Much like her Senate (and campaign) office, managers are abusing and mistreating staff. Harris herself has reportedly mistreated and talked down to staffer—anyone she’s intimidated by, really. Numerous top officials have fled this sinking ship. And now, yet another official is fleeing.

From Reuters:

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’s deputy chief of staff Michael Fuchs is leaving the administration, the latest top aide from her office to announce a departure, according to an internal staff memo seen by Reuters.

Wow, another person is quitting Harris’s office. What a surprise… Perhaps to paper over this train wreck, Harris has hired a new speechwriter.

From Reuters:

Harris is also hiring a new chief speechwriter, Meghan Groob. She most recently worked as an editorial director at Gates Ventures, where she was a speechwriter to Bill Gates, according to a separate memo sent to staff seen by Reuters. She was previously a senior speechwriter in the Obama administration.

Harris is losing her deputy chief of staff. Michael Fuchs once worked for Bill Clinton as a foreign policy advisor and in other senior roles in the State Department for Obama. And, somehow, he ended up working for Kamala Harris. Talk about a demotion. The man, with years of experience, was forced to be the deputy chief of staff for Harris. No wonder he quit.

This is the eleventh top official to flee Harris’s office. We can assume more people have quit, as they usually don’t announce it when lower-ranking employees leave. Reports indicated that Harris was mistreating staffers herself. So, if the top brass is running away, imagine how many underlings have jumped ship?

It seems like Harris isn’t learning a thing. She hired a former speechwriter for Bill Gates. Does Meghan Groob really know what she’s getting into? Perhaps Groob only plans on sticking around long enough to put this on her résumé? As soon as the fur begins to fly, she’ll leave as well. After all, who the heck wants to write a speech for Harris or Biden? Does not sound like a rewarding gig.


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