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DeSantis Reelection Campaign Breaks Impressive Record – Ron Becomes First U.S. Candidate To Raise $100M In Donations For 2022

Florida governor Ron DeSantis had to put up with a lot from the liberal media. He battled against the tide to reopen Florida, even as everyone told him to shut down.

He’s fought to pass conservative legislation in his state, even as the left lied about him again and again. And he’s even fought for Florida residents, as his wife battled cancer.

So, how have the people of Florida—and America—repaid this fearless fight? By helping become the first U.S. candidate to raise $100 million in donations alone.

From Washington Examiner:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis may have become the first-ever candidate in the United States to raise more than $100 million only in donations, according to a new report.

The Republican star, who is running for reelection this year, notched $96 million as of last month between his campaign and political committee, Friends of Ron DeSantis, which is expected to report a $6.1 million haul for March on Monday, according to CNN.

Well, look at that! Ron DeSantis refused to bow the knee to the liberal media. They attacked him, lied about him, and fought against him.

Even liberal companies, like Disney, mischaracterized his work and landmark legislation. All the powers of the left seemed to be trying to tear his administration down.

How did Floridians and Americans respond? By donating a whopping $100 million for his re-election campaign.

This is huge. Some candidates end up with large sums of cash, but never by donations alone. They either contribute some of their own money or through other sources.

DeSantis did it by winning over Floridians. He actually did what he promised to do as governor. He fought the Biden administration. Push conservative values.

And delivered results. It’s rare we see a governor, or any politician, do that. So, we shouldn’t be surprised so many Americans were eager to see this man win re-election.

What does this mean for DeSantis’s future? Many have speculated about a bid for the White House.

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