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Trump Admits Major Change To His 2nd Presidency – Donald Would Stop Going After The Media Ignore Them

Millions of Americans are hoping Donald Trump will run for president again. Democrats seem terrified this would happen, given how much they still try to slander him.

Trump has not officially announced a 2024 run, but he talks about it frequently. Recently, Sean Hannity asked him if there was something he’d do different, in a second term.

This is what he said. From The Washington Examiner:

Former President Donald Trump said if he could change one thing about his job as president, he would pay less attention to the media…

“One of the things I would do differently,” Trump answered, “I found the media is so corrupt that I would really not focus on them almost at all. I’d just focus on getting the job done for the American people.”

Donald Trump revealed that, should he get a second term in office, he’d pay less attention to the media. Trump blasted the corrupt media, saying it was not worth his time to focus on them.

Instead, he would spend all his energy on “getting the job done” for America.

The 45th president had a legendarily contentious relationship with the mainstream media. The media constantly mischaracterized his administration, often outright lying about it.

Trump often used social media to blast news networks and even specific hosts. But it seems, that if he is elected again, he will simply ignore them.

How would that look? Trump would almost certainly have a press secretary, handling questions from the press.

But perhaps Trump wouldn’t bother hosting press conferences. Or he wouldn’t bother taking the loaded, often dishonest questions from the media.

Thanks to social media, he could side-step the MSM entirely. And if the media doesn’t like this method, they have no leg to stand on.

After all, Biden refuses to interact with the media on the daily—and they don’t bat an eye.

How would Trump’s supporters feel about such a change? I think they’d all be happy just to see Donald back in the driver’s seat, but some love how he goes after the media. Others would prefer Trump to stick to the job, since he’s so effective at it.

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