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Liberal Paper Shakes Washington With 2022 Midterm Prediction – They Claim Democrats Will Be Dominated By GOP

We’ve been seeing, for a long time, signs that Democrats are in big trouble this midterm season. And it’s not just because Joe Biden has been taking as “president.”

Democrats have been making American lives miserable ever since 2020. State Democrats have abused residents with harsh mandates. D.C. Democrats have sat back and let Biden trigger one crisis after another.

Now, yet another source is coming out with predictions on the 2022 midterms. And is much worse than liberals think.

From Breitbart:

Republicans will dominate the midterms elections in November, reclaiming the House and Senate, Politico predicted Tuesday.

While it is less of a surprise that Republicans are predicted to reclaim the House, it is more surprising the Senate is projected to “lean” Republican…

Politico predicts the House will “likely” flip to Republicans. The projections contend that 21 contested seats lean blue, while 16 seats lean Republican. The forecast includes 24 toss-up seats that do not favor any party.

Politico released a comprehensive “forecast” of the upcoming 2022 midterms. And they are predicting that Republicans have a strong shot at retaking the House and Senate.

The outlet says the Senate “leans” Republican and the House will “likely” go for Republicans. This is consistent with what we’ve been seeing for almost a year.

Polls have shown generic Republicans with a double-digit lead over generic Democrats. That is not something we’ve ever seen before.

Last year’s elections were major upsets for Democrats, as they lost Virginia’s governor seat and other unexpected races.

The trend is continuing, as Biden suffers the worst approval numbers we’ve ever seen for a president, especially a liberal one (who often enjoy positive media coverage).

The consequences of a Republican-controlled Congress are tremendous. Republican lawmakers will have the power to launch investigations into nearly all of the shady activity done by Democrats.

They can go after Anthony Fauci and his suspect guidance over the last two years. They can hammer Biden’s DHS and their terrible handling of the border. And they can even mull over what to do with Joe, either through impeachment or the 25th Amendment.

And Americans will want them to do it. It’s clear a strong body of voters are outraged over Democrats’ failed leadership and broken promises. Meanwhile, Democrats do nothing to win them back.

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