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133 Congressmen Go After Biden’s DHS Secretary – They Accuse Mayorkas Of Ignoring Trump Rules Say He’s Unfit For Office

It’s no secret that our Southern border is a mess. Millions of migrants have crossed against our nation’s laws ever since Biden became president.

And one person is largely responsible for the chaos: DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas.

He is the one tasked with upholding immigration law—regardless of what Biden says. Now, over 130 Republicans are calling out this man.

From The Epoch Times

A group of 133 House Republicans is accusing the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) of willfully disregarding the law and endangering American citizens by embracing open border policies…

The lawmakers allege that the DHS head is not carrying out “in good faith” an April 2021 federal court order requiring continued execution of the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP, or the “Remain in Mexico” policy) after the department suspended enrollments in the program in January 2021.

One hundred and thirty Republicans from the House are demanding answers from DHS head Mayorkas. They accuse him of disregarding our laws and allowing an open border in the South.

They additionally claim he has disregarded an April 2021 order from the Supreme Court to keep Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.

A memo by the DHS head in June of that year contradicts the Supreme Court, suggesting Mayorkas is continuing “catch and release” instead.

How crazy do you have to be to ignore a Supreme Court order? But that is the state of the White House, under Joe Biden.

The Supreme Court has countered this administration several times and on numerous issues. But it doesn’t appear that Biden has complied with anything they’ve said.

It seems Mayorkas, along with the rest of the Biden administration, is taking his orders from the DNC. He is prioritizing their agenda, which is one that undermines what the American people want.

That’s especially true of the border. Polls suggest most Americans do not want unchecked migrants flooding into our country.

Yet Mayorkas continues to let them in. Until Republicans retake Congress, there is little we can do about it.

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