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After Donald Trump Goes After RINO Candidate – She Admits “I May Not Be Re-Elected’ Says Lisa Murkowski

The 2022 midterms will decide the makeup of Congress for the rest of Biden’s term. And signs point to a major red wave taking over D.C.

But it’s not just Democrats who are facing the music. Fair-weathered “Republicans” who turned on the party are facing tough re-election bids.

And one Trump-hating RINO just admitted she is in big trouble.

From Breitbart:

Establishment Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) on Thursday admitted she may lose her primary bid to Donald Trump-endorsed candidate Kelly Tshibaka.

“I may not be re-elected,” Murkowski told the New York Times about the possible end of her 20-year Senate career.

“It may be that Alaskans say, ‘Nope, we want to go with an absolute, down-the-line, always, always, 100-percent, never-question, rubber-stamp Republican,’ she said about Tshibaka who is leading in the polls.

This is pretty rich. Lisa Murkowski recently admitted she might not be re-elected when asked by the New York Times.

Murkowski is facing a primary rival endorsed by Donald Trump. Currently, Kelly Tshibaka is leading Murkowski in the polls.

But the RINO, who voted against Trump and the GOP time and again, is refusing to admit why she might lose.

Instead, she claims that her rival is a “rubber-stamp Republican” who will “always” vote along with the party.

Yeah, that’s what voters expect when they elect a Republican.

Murkowski is trying to spin her many pathetic turns at bowing to the D.C. swamp. She’s trying to make it look like she’s a “free thinker” who is challenging the GOP.

Instead, she backstabs her own party and does whatever the radical left tells her. In no way is she standing up for conservative values.

Her rival is promising to embrace an America-first agenda, much more in line with what Republicans across the board want to do.

When Alaskan voters go to the polls later this year, who will they pick? A long-serving incumbent who will bow to the whims of Joe Biden? Or someone who will stand up to this socialist puppet?

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