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Trump And Don Jr. Weigh In On Supreme Court Leak – Donald Claims Its Effect On 2022 Midterms Won’t Be ‘Tremendous’

Numerous pundits and politicians are weighing in on the Supreme Court leak, but none more important than the man who turned the Supreme Court conservative. Democrats, as you can imagine, are melting down.

The final ruling, of course, remains to be seen. We can’t claim, based on this leak, how the court will rule. But many are calling out this shocking move, wherein someone leaked a sensitive document to the press.

Donald Trump Jr. commented on it, demanding a federal investigation.

From Twitter:

If there’s not thorough criminal investigation into who leaked privileged documents from the United States Supreme Court then we live in a clown show state.

For Perspective: The FBI sent 15 people to investigate a garage pull.

And his father, the 45th President of the United States, blasted the move. But said it will not affect the midterms as much as some think.

From Fox News:

“It is a very dangerous precedent—a very dangerous precedent,” he continued. “It was disconcerting to see that.”

He added: “It cheapens the court.”

As for the midterms, Trump said it is too soon to determine whether the issue and opinion will play a role in the election.

“I don’t think it is going to have a tremendous effect,” Trump told Fox News.

Donald Trump blasted the leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court. He said it set a “very dangerous precedent.”

But he also claimed it was unlikely to have a “tremendous” effect on the midterm elections.

He said this because there are many factors that will motivate voters this November. Millions of Americans are outraged at Biden’s failed administration.

And they are eager to vote Democrats out of office, trusting that Republicans will fix Biden’s many mistakes.

This Supreme Court leak, and the eventual ruling, might not change that much. Americans continue to suffer from rising oil prices, skyrocketing inflation, an open border, and other crises.

Pro-choice voters might end up outraged at this ruling, but it won’t change the views of conservative and independent voters who are sick of Democrats in D.C.

Donald Trump Jr. demanded a federal investigation of this serious offense. He pointed out that 15 FBI agents were sent to investigate what turned out to be a hoax.

If the FBI doesn’t look into something as serious as this leak, Jr. said it means we live “in a clown show state.”

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