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Southern State Passes Strict Pro-Life Bill – It Immediately “Bans And Criminalizes Abortion” In The State Of Louisiana

The entire country is in an uproar over the now-infamous Supreme Court leak, which indicated that the high court might reverse Roe v. Wade.

If this actually happens, it would fall to individual states to determine abortion laws. And unsurprisingly, many red states are prepared to clamp down hard.

This Goes Double For Louisiana, Which Just Passed A Huge Abortion Bill — “The Strongest Of Its Kind,” In Fact.

We’ve seen other states like Texas and Oklahoma pass “heartbeat laws,” which say a fetus can’t be aborted once a heartbeat can be detected.

But this new bill in Louisiana will take things a step further (if it becomes a law).

They not only want to put an end to legal abortion, they also want to ensure the consequences for going against the law are quite steep. And liberals won’t be happy.

Via The Daily Wire:

Members of the Louisiana House of Representatives advanced a bill on Wednesday that would immediately end and criminalize abortion.

The Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act of 2022 (HB813), sponsored by State Rep. Danny McCormick, a Republican, would acknowledge “the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death.

The House’s criminal justice committee easily approved the bill by a 7-2 vote.

The bill aims to provide “equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization by protecting them by the same laws protecting other human beings.”

On top of that, it would “treat as void” any federal laws that try to override this — like Roe v. Wade.

The Abolition of Abortion Act will even compel authorities to apply the same laws to abortion as apply to homicide. That’s a very significant step.

Zach Conover is the communications director for Christian ministry End Abortion Now, and he had this to say about the decision:

Every state has a penal code for homicide.

However, with many of these states there exists within the code an exception for abortion.

HB813 removes the exception to ensure that there can be no legal discrimination against babies in the womb.

If this bill becomes a law, “all abortion will be criminalized in Louisiana,” said senior pastor Brian Gunter.

Currently, the state has a “Human Life Protection Act” in place, but that only punishes those who get abortions with $1,000 fines. Obviously, state leaders say this isn’t enough.

And now, Louisiana is on the cusp of having one of the most powerful Pro-Life laws in the country.

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