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Supreme Court Vote Gets Major Report Update – The Decision On Roe V. Wade Still Has 5 Votes To Overturn

Ever since someone leaked the Supreme Court Roe decision, Democrats have panicked. They have even resorted to intimidation tactics to pressure the court—a gross violation of the court’s authority.

It seems the Left believes they can bully the court into doing what it wants. But if the latest report is true, all the Left has done is expose its true colors to the country.

From Fox News:

The five-vote majority needed in the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey remains intact months after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft majority opinion was written, according to a report…

The justices set to join Alito’s opinion include Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

A new report claims that the 5 votes needed to overturn Roe v. Wade remain intact, despite attempts by the Left to undermine the court.

Conservative justices, including the three appointed by President Trump, appear to be united in the opinion. They join Thomas and Alito, two long-standing conservative titans.

Flipping, once again, is John Roberts—a Bush appointee. Despite being chosen by a Republican president, he has consistently voted with the liberal wing of the court.

To his credit, Roberts strongly condemned the leak—promising that it would not influence the court.

Clarence Thomas condemned the Left’s actions, saying the court will not be bullied.

Radical activists have plotted, with the support and encouragement of Democrats, to protest throughout the weekend.

Some have vandalized pregnancy centers and churches. Others have stormed the homes of Supreme Court justices, to intimidate them.

But it doesn’t look like the court is willing to cower to these tactics. And it is possible the Left is only hurting its cause.

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