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Biden Adviser Susan Rice Faces Major Accusation – Multiple Officials Claim She’s Causing “Dehumanizing” Work Environment

From the very beginning of Biden’s administration, we’ve known one thing to be true. His team is far from stellar.

The people he chose to lead major departments can’t talk themselves out of a paper bag. And that’s not even getting into how they run their offices.

We’ve seen how badly Harris treats her staff. Now, another top official is being accused of “dehumanizing” staffers.

From The American Prospect:

Rice regularly excoriates her colleagues, creating an “abusive and dehumanizing environment” according to one source… The vitriol of the Rice-controlled workplace is something of an open secret, with previous reports filed about Department of Health and Human Services staff being yelled at in meeting after meeting…

This all comes as Rice is reported to be under consideration to succeed Ron Klain as Biden’s next chief of staff, a position that would allow her to further consolidate an already heavy grip on the president’s agenda.

Democrats are turning against Susan Rice, a former top Obama staffer and current Biden flunky. She is being accused of running an “abusive” and “dehumanizing” office, mistreating fellow Biden officials.

Liberals are throwing Rice under the bus, by attacking her stance on vaccines for migrants. The left is also calling out Rice’s treatment of Xavier Becerra, from the HHS.

It seems there is chaos and disunity boiling underneath the surface of Biden’s administration. That would explain a lot about how it’s failed to accomplish any good in the last 17 months.

Rice is depicted as a raging monster who constantly shouted, curses, and insults employees. It seems the left was all too happy to hide this information, when she was a bigwig with Obama (leaking names to the press to hurt Trump).

But now that she might replace Biden’s failed Chief of Staff Klain, the progressive left is coming with knives out against her.

By all means, Democrats, devour yourselves. It’s Biden’s fault that Rice returned to the White House. Apparently, her reputation for mistreatment extended back for years.

Yet Biden has no problem hiring bad people, who do a bad job.

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