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Federal Judge Drops Gavel On Hillary Clinton – He Just Ordered Dozens Of Emails Turned Over By GPS Fusion

The Durham probe saga has been dragging out for years now. Patriots have been waiting a long time to learn if Trump’s former special counsel will produce results.

We recently learned that a federal judge made the ongoing case more difficult. But the story is far from over.

Because the same judge is ordering GPS Fusion to turn over docs to Durham.

From Fox News:

GPS Fusion, the research firm Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign hired to dig up dirt on Donald Trump’s supposed ties to Russia, must turn over nearly two dozen emails to special counsel John Durham, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

Those emails – which are largely exchanges between Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman and Fusion GPS – are part of a batch that prosecutors subpoenaed last year.

Durham has been investigating people connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. One of those groups is GPS Fusion—the infamous firm that released the bogus dossier.

A federal judge is ordering the firm to hand over 22 emails between the group and Michael Sussman. Sussman is a lawyer who is being charged with lying to the FBI.

During the 2016 Election, he approached the FBI claiming he had dirt linking Trump to Russia. That dirt proved to be false, and in the process, he told the Feds he wasn’t working for anyone.

That was also a lie since he was working for Hillary Clinton and GPS Fusion. These new documents might further prove in court that Sussman lied.

The bigger question, though, is will Sussman be held accountable for providing false information to the FBI?

The claims he made against Trump were based on material created by GPS Fusion, at the request of Clinton.

It is against the law to file false accusations to law enforcement. Did Sussman know the claims he was making were fake?

And if so, what did GPS Fusion or Clinton know?

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