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Supreme Court Rules 6-3 In Major Decision – Led By Clarence Thomas Court Stands Against Criminals Blaming Their Lawyers

Americans have been waiting for the Supreme Court to release a variety of high-profile rulings. Some have even protested, thinking they could undermine the court’s ability to decide cases.

But evidence suggests that the court will not be bullied. And, over the coming weeks and months, it will be releasing decisions on important cases.

And today, it just released its latest, a 6-3 decision.

From SCOTUSblog:

Two men on Arizona’s death row are not entitled to present new evidence in federal court to support their arguments that their trial lawyers bungled their cases, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in a 6-3 decision…

The question in Shinn v. Ramirez and Jones was whether state prisoners challenging their convictions and sentences in federal court could develop evidence in the federal proceeding to support claims that their state trial lawyers were ineffective to such a degree that the prisoners’ Sixth Amendment right to counsel was compromised.

In a ruling of 6-3, the Supreme Court rejected two prisoners’ claim that their state attorney’s bungled their cases.

They wanted to push new trials in federal court, claiming there was evidence that could help them.

A federal law prohibits convicts from bringing cases to federal courts if they cannot do the same in a state court. But a recent Supreme Court ruling allows criminals to challenge a ruling if their lawyers failed.

It seems these two criminals were trying to find a loophole that would allow them to take their cases to federal court—despite being convicted in state trials.

If we had a progressive Supreme Court, they would have probably gotten away with it. Democrats appear all too happy to put criminals ahead of law-abiding citizens.

If the court ruled in favor of these two convicts, we’d see countless new trials in which criminals tried to get out of life sentences or worse.

It could have turned our federal court system into a giant Exit for dangerous, convicted criminals.

Thankfully, the court is not run by progressives. The conservative majority did not buy these convicts’ claims.


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