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Chuck Schumer Waves White Flag In The Senate – The Majority Leader Admits He Doesn’t Have Votes To Push Democrat Gun Control

Immediately after news of the Uvalde shooting hit, Democrats pushed politics. They used the tragic event to demand radical changes to our Second Amendment rights.

Using at times of high emotion, Democrats do their most damage. They convince lawmakers to rush through bills before anyone can ask questions.

Schumer was about to do that, given the recent events. But even he admits it’s a no-go.

From The Hill:

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) told colleagues on the Senate floor Wednesday that he will not immediately bring gun control measures to the floor in the wake of two mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde, Texas, because he doesn’t expect them to muster enough Republican votes to pass.

Schumer will not be able to bring a vote on gun control in the next few months. But instead of admitting to the truth, he blames Republicans.

Why is Schumer claiming his “sensible” gun control measures would be blocked by Republicans?

Are Republicans maniacs who oppose any form of protection for schools and children? Of course, not.

Schumer is doing this for political reasons. There is no reason why Democrats and Republicans can’t come up with some kind of improvements, given these recent tragedies.

But Schumer has refused any bipartisan moves in years, much like his ally Pelosi in the House. It seems his push for radical progressive policies prevents him from any form of compromise.

More than that, Schumer refuses to give Republicans any kind of win as we approach the midterms. Even though working together would only help Democrats, he is determined to go down with the ship.

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