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Ted Cruz Launches 2nd Amendment Crusade – The Senator Says Texas Tragedy Shouldn’t Force America To Give Up Its Rights

The internet surged with anti-Second Amendment protests within hours after the horrific Uvalde, Texas tragedy. Those who embrace the Constitution, of course, rushed to defend 2A.

Since then, the struggle has raged on, with Democratic leaders demanding stronger gun control and harsher laws. Most right-wing politicians and voters fear that more personal freedoms will be lost as a result of this.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Feels That The Best Way To Prevent Terrible Tragedies Is Not To Give Up Our Liberties.

Cruz gave a speech at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Texas that had Conservatives rising and cheering. It comes just days after a school shooting in which 19 children were killed.

Cruz expressed sorrow and grief at the shooting, adding that people like the shooter “are the epitome of evil” and that “the misery of those families is unspeakable.”

That’s why everyone in the state needs to “get together and console those families.” The Senator basically states that now, more than ever, is the time to love and care for our children.

This Kind Of Stuff Didn’t Happen When We Were Growing Up,” he added.

It’s about a much deeper problem in our society, according to Cruz, and it has nothing to do with weapons. According to him (through The Daily Wire):

It’s far easier to slander one’s political adversaries and to demand that responsible citizens forfeit their constitutional rights than it is to examine the cultural sickness giving birth to unspeakable acts of evil.

It’s far less comfortable to ask why despair and isolation and violent hatred is so prevalent in America.

Cruz wants us to figure out why “our culture is failing,” and he wants us to look at the fractured nuclear family, declining church attendance, social media hostility, media and entertainment violence, and drug misuse.

He believes that taking weapons away will not alleviate any of these problems.

In truth, the issues at hand are considerably more serious, and the entire country should be concerned – not about who owns a gun, but about why violence continues to rise. Cruz stated:

Taking guns away from these responsible Americans will not make them safer, nor will it make our nation more secure.

In an age where elites embrace defunding the police, when homelessness runs rampant, when gangs dominate entire communities, and when radical district attorneys refuse to prosecute violent crime in cities across America, rarely has the Second Amendment been more necessary to secure the rights of our fellow citizens.

The Senator concluded by pointing out that many of the cities in the United States with the strongest gun prohibitions are also among the most dangerous.

Furthermore, Cruz reminded the crowd that the gunman in Uvalde had passed a background check, and that Democratic remedies would not have prevented him from carrying out his crime.

Cruz’s point of view is as follows:

This is about a deep-seated disease at the heart of the country, which will persist with or without guns. When you look at the case closely, it’s tough to disagree.

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