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Biden’s Quickly Becoming America’s Most “Absent” President – Joe Is On Track To Eclipse Trump Obama In Vacation Time

During his first time in the White House, Joe Biden has encountered a number of important challenges. The ongoing epidemic, Afghanistan, and increasing prices are likely to be at the top of the list.

Citizens presume POTUS is working extra as a result of the country’s issues. When you add in a worrying surge in violence around the country, the President has a lot on his plate.

Despite This, Biden Is On Track To Be The Most “Absent” President In Recent Memory.

Biden is heading to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, this weekend for some R&R at one of his two residences in the state. He usually gets away from Washington on weekends, and he’s running out of time.

“He spent more than a quarter of his first year in office in Delaware,” according to the Washington Examiner.

Biden has spent a total of 188 full or half days away from Capitol Hill so far. And if he keeps going at this rate, he’ll have spent 553 days away from the White House, which is a lot longer than his predecessors.

According to the report’s estimates:

If that pace holds, Biden will spend roughly 553 days away from the White House, which he has referred to as a ‘gilded cage,’ over his first term, or 1,106 days over two terms.

That’s good for tops in the modern history of the presidency. Former President Donald Trump spent 381 days away from the White House while in office, and former President Barack Obama spent 328 days out over two terms.

For a better comparison, previous President Bill Clinton spent 345 days away from Washington, meaning that three of the four Presidents who preceded Biden spent more than 200 days in the White House on average.

President George W. Bush spent a lot of time at his ranch in Texas during his two terms in office, accumulating 1,020 days away from the White House. However, he received a lot of heat for it, whereas Biden appears to be impervious to any MSM backlash on the subject.

Trump referred to his time off as “working vacations” and accused Obama of being a “regular vacationer.”

However, Biden’s lack of presence in Washington has sparked widespread criticism, especially given that surveys show that the majority of Americans believe the country is moving in the “wrong direction.”

Most folks would expect POTUS to have a full dance card with national gas prices approaching $5/gallon and the economy in a precarious position.

After all, Biden’s approval ratings are at an all-time low (some polls show a sub-40 percent approval rating), and Republicans are forecasting a massive power shift in the approaching midterm elections.

Despite this, Biden does not appear to be working extra hours to address any of the country’s most serious problems.

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