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After 500 Days Of President Biden In Office – Americans Sent Spinning By The Official Doubling Of Gas Prices

Biden promised to “build back better.” Remember that? What have we seen since he entered office?

One crisis after another. Including historically high inflation. An open border. And chaos overseas.

One of the most painful problems is the constantly rising cost of gasoline. And, thanks to old Joe’s “Green” agenda, it just hit a new milestone.

From Not the Bee:

When Joe Biden was sworn in as President of the United States on January 20, 2021, gas prices were holding steady at — ready? — $2.38 per gallon…

Fast-forward to today and the average gas price across America has officially doubled since that day. Gas hit another all-time record high on Friday of — ready? — $4.76 per gallon.

From $2.38 a gallon to $4.76 a gallon. In 500 days. Less than a year and a half.

Here’s CNN’s latest painful update:

In less than two years, Biden doubled the national average cost of gasoline. Is that building back better?

Not if you are a working American, trying to make ends meet.

Joe can blame Putin all he wants. The fact remains that if we had the same energy policies we did under Trump, gas (and electricity) would be much cheaper.

But Biden’s pathetic energy secretary doesn’t see it as a problem In fact, she admitted Biden is doing this to force us to embrace sub-par “green” technology.

From OANN:

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm (D) claimed high gas prices will justify a transition into supposedly clean energy…

“We’re going to get to this clean energy economy,” Granholm declared. “One hydroelectric project, one solar panel, one wind turbine, one geo thermal project, one advanced nuclear reactor, one electric vehicle, one battery at a time.”

This is why Biden will never reverse decisions that are keeping gas prices high. He and his team of socialists are forcing gas prices to rise, so that we will have no choice but to embrace “clean” energy.

Never mind the fact that many of these “alternatives” can’t provide the required energy needed to keep our country going. Never mind the fact that many of these alternatives are too expensive for the average American.

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