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George Soros 8-Figure American Spending Spills Out – He Spent A Boatload On Putting 75 “Social Justice” Lawyers In Charge

Billionaire George Soros is well-known to be a friend to the radical left, often financing some of the most controversial liberal agendas.

He has also made moves to put leftist leaders in power, and it could have far-reaching effects on the criminal justice system.

The Latest Report Is Cause For Concern — Especially In Regards To Upholding The Law.

This evidence shows that Soros spent $40 million in the past decade to get certain prosecutors into positions of power.

The 17-page report was compiled by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, and it shows that Soros’ money has has had a tremendous impact on the courts.

Now, these Soros-endorsed prosecutors represent about 1 in 5 people in the U.S., and this includes about half of the nation’s 50 most populous cities.

Social justice prosecutors have been accused of going for much lighter punishments, especially for minority defendants.

Said LELDF President Jason Johnson:

Soros is using that campaign money and the hundreds of millions more for supporting organizations to quietly transform the criminal justice system for the worse, promoting dangerous policies and anti-police narratives to advance his radical agenda.

He added that 75 prosecutors of Soros’ choice have been elected in the past 10 years, and he continues to hand-pick district attorneys.

In the past, the billionaire financier has given money to support numerous liberal causes, including the push to “defund the police.”

It also doesn’t help that so many of these elections are clearly being bought, and requirements are playing second fiddle.

Added Johnson:

In most of these free spending contests, progressive forces proved victorious by either defeating incumbent Democrats or crushing a field of primary contenders.

Strikingly, most of these prosecutors were political neophytes and had zero prosecutorial experience — previously an assumed prerequisite for office. Many have no previous criminal case experience.

This means that with more liberal-minded prosecutors in the country, we might see a tremendous shift in how the law is interpreted and applied.

And the bottom line is that Soros only wants lawyers that support the far-left agenda — and it seems not all of them are really qualified.

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