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If The Supreme Court Overturns Roe – Prepare For Left’s Leaked Plan To Execute “Night Of Rage” In America

Democrats have been panicking over the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on an abortion law out of Mississippi. A leaked document suggests the court could overturn Roe, outlawing abortion at the federal law.

Unhinged abortion activists have been lashing out, damaging pro-life organizations and service providers. And now, one group is planning a “Night of Rage” if the court rules in favor of life.

From Axios:

Members of the pro-choice group “Jane’s Revenge” have reportedly claimed responsibility for vandalizing Agape Pregnancy Resource Center in Des Moines earlier this month, police Sgt. Paul Parizek told Axios Friday…

Some members of Jane’s Revenge are calling for a “Night of Rage” in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s expected overturning of Roe v. Wade.

A radical activist group calling itself “Jane’s Revenge” has taken responsibility for some of the vandalism happening in recent weeks.

And some members of this group are planning a “Night of Rage” if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

It’s unclear what this “Night of Rage” might entail or how many people might be involved.

But if recent history is any indication, it might include acts of vandalism, rioting (and looting), and other unlawful activity on the part of leftists.

The irony is the bluest cities in America could be the ones in the biggest danger. Because most hardcore leftists live in cities like Chicago, Seattle, New York, and Los Angeles.

It’s ironic, because these states are far less likely to outlaw abortion, regardless of what the court decides.

States that will ban the practice will also come down hard on anyone planning to “rage” through the night.

All we can say is if you plan to “rage” anywhere in the South or most of the Midwest, prepare for a long night… in jail.

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