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Tom Cotton Demands Major D.C. Resignation – He Wants The Attorney General To Resign Over Failure To Protect Pro-Lifers

In the wake of the SCOTUS draft leak, abortion activists have been out of control. You probably know about the attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh.

But other activists have staged over 50 firebomb attacks and other vandalism against pro-life organizations. To date, the federal government has not investigated these crimes.

So, Republican Sen. Tom Cotton is demanding AG Garland’s resignation.

From Fox News:

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, said Thursday that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland should resign over the Biden administration Justice Department’s inaction on more than 50 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and churches in recent weeks purportedly carried out by Jane’s Revenge…

Cotton noted how the same group on Tuesday “has now issued a letter declaring ‘open season’ on all so-called ‘anti-choice’ groups, and calls for terrorist attacks against these groups by anyone ‘with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, [or] to jam.”

Tom Cotton is calling for Merrick Garland to resign after he has done nothing to stop attacks by radical abortion group, “Jane’s Revenge.”

This extremist group has vandalized or firebombed at least 50 churches and pro-life groups. Most of these groups are charities that offer counseling and medical services to pregnant women.

You know, you can’t really claim to be on the “right side,” when you are firebombing pregnant women.

Cotton is apparently outraged that our nation’s Attorney General has done nothing to investigate and stop what amounts to domestic terrorism.

Wasn’t this the same man willing to investigate (and did) parents under the same terms, who simply questioned school boards?

But he won’t do anything when this group of maniacs calls for people to vandalize and destroy pregnancy centers?

Where are this DOJ’s priorities? Recently, Republicans bashed it for not stopping protesters who violated federal law.

It is illegal to protest outside a court or judge’s home, with the intent of changing a ruling. Yet Merrick Garland appears asleep at the wheel.

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