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After Colbert Staffers Arrested In D.C. – Republican Jim Jordan Demands To See “All Reports And Witness Statements”

The surprising situation made headlines all around the country last week: Capitol Police detained several staffers from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and now it’s an “active criminal investigation.”

Immediately after the events, Fox’s Tucker Carlson suggested those arrested be treated like the J6 protesters. And it seems Republican leaders in Washington aren’t going to let this go without more information.

That’s Why They Just Sent An Urgent Demand To The Capitol Police Chief.

It began on June 16, when D.C. cops got a call about a disturbance in the Longworth House Office Building. Responding officers found “unescorted” individuals without Congressional ID in a sixth-floor hallway.

This group was supposed to have left earlier in the day, and so they were charged with Unlawful Entry.

These people were with the Stephen Colbert show; members of the production team that had stayed late to get some extra footage. This isn’t a good enough explanation for the GOP, though.

Now, They Want The Police To Cooperate And Hand Over The Evidence.

Via Washington Examiner:

House Republicans are demanding security footage of the arrests of production team members associated with Stephen Colbert’s late-night comedy show on Capitol grounds last Thursday evening.

Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rodney Davis (R-IL) sent a letter Monday to U.S. Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger seeking information on the seven individuals they say ‘were not authorized’ to be present in the Longworth House Office Building.

Republicans want “all reports, witness statements, and other material related to the arrest.” They also want to see any “security footage and still photographs” as well.

Jordan and Davis mentioned the J6 incident in the letter, citing “debunked Democrat allegations that Republican members led so-called reconnaissance tours of the Capitol Complex in advance of January 6.”

In contrast to that, this incident involved actual arrests for unlawful entry, and the investigation should be pursued.

As for CBS, they replied saying the Colbert staff members were in the building for a comedy segment, and the interviews had been approved via Congressional aides. Then they stayed to film “other final elements.”

Apparently, that didn’t fly with Capitol Police, and GOP leaders want more answers as well.

Washington has become a hotbed for protesting and general citizen unrest in recent years, and security forces are often on the lookout for unauthorized activity. This includes people in buildings without evident permission.

Republicans think they have a right to know: what exactly is in those reports? What is on that security footage? Maybe it’s something the Colbert team hopes doesn’t get out?

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