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Democrats Suffer Major Loss In Swing State Florida – They Admit Defeat In 2022 Midterms, Florida Officially Red

For decades, Florida was considered a key swing state. Neither red nor blue, both parties warred for control of the local government, and federal seats.

But much has changed since 2016. Trump won the state in 2020 by a huge margin. And the current Republican governor is doing gangbusters against the radical left.

And now, the Democrats have all up given up winning in this decided red state.

From Tampa Bay Times:

The House and Senate almost certainly will remain under the control of Republicans. Democratic leaders in both chambers say their priority is holding onto the seats the party already has…

In the Senate, Democrats did not appear to field a candidate in 15 out of 40 races as of Friday afternoon. In the House, Democrats apparently failed to contest 41 out of 120 races…

When asked whether Democrats had a chance to flip the Senate, minority leader Lauren Book, D-Plantation, was blunt.

“No. That’s going to be a multi-cycle plan,” she said Friday.

Democrats giving up winning Florida seats for the U.S. House and Senate. But they are also giving up gaining ground at the state level.

They failed to find candidates to run against Republicans for numerous seats in the state. Fears that they would horribly have prevented Democrats from even bothering.

And news has spread that the DCCC, the national fundraising arm for Democrats, refuses to pump money into Florida.

Democrats don’t even want to ask donors for support, knowing that their money will go to losing campaigns.

This is not something anyone would have believed, just a few short years ago. But Republicans have had so much success in Florida, that voters have no reason to back liberals.

There is a number of reasons for this. As Democrats lurch harder to the left, Hispanic Americans in Miami and Southern Florida (many of whom escaped Cuba) are turning away.

The Florida panhandle is deeply conservative and reliably votes red. And long-time Florida Democrat voters, retirees from New York, are no longer with us.

Add to that the fact that Gov. DeSantis has become a rock star who is scoring one win after another.

There are now more registered Republican voters than Democrats in Florida for the first time.

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