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Supreme Court Makes Tight 5-4 Ruling – They Just Decided Against Imprisoned Inmates For New Evidence

The Supreme Court issued a variety of rulings today, a few of which affect numerous Americans.

One of the cases addressed what rights criminals have in seeking appeals. And in a tight, 5-4 ruling, the court decided against inmates.

From Independent:

Chief Justice Roberts also authors the fifth and final decision today, Shoop v Twyford, a 5-4 decision with justices Breyer, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Gorsuch dissenting…

The court holds that a transportation order — an order requiring the state to take the inmate to a medical facility — that allows a prisoner to search for new evidence is not “necessary or appropriate in aid of” a federal court’s adjudication of a habeas corpus action when the prisoner has not shown that the desired evidence would be admissible in connection with a particular claim for relief.

The court ruled on the case, Shoop v Twyford, which addressed the rights of prisoners to stage appeals.

It appears prisoners were seeking opportunity to appeal their sentences by claiming they are wrongfully imprisoned.

Inmates wanted to provide evidence for a writ of habeas corpus before the court granted an order allowing them to get new evidence.

Complicated, but it seems the court refused to allow evidence provided by an inmate prior to the court letting them search for new evidence.

The court was split on this decision, with Trump-appointed Gorsuch siding with the three liberal justices.

This ruling limits what prisoners can do while seeking a chance to be released. It also proves that the court isn’t as ideologically divided as the left claims.

For conservative justices to side with liberal justices prove they are deciding each case according to its merit under the law.

These justices aren’t not blindly applying their own biases to each case, as would a partisan politician.

Americans can be confident that these justices are weighing each case carefully, at least for now.

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