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Democrat Leader Brown Goes To Prison For 18 Federal Crimes – Then Dares To Run In Florida For Office

They say you can’t keep a good man down. But apparently, you also can’t keep a convicted Democrat down.

Corrine Brown was a Florida representative. After leaving office, she was charged with numerous crimes—but only served 2 years in jail.

Now, she has the bright idea of returning to public office.

From Washington Examiner:

Former Rep. Corrine Brown, who represented the Jacksonville area in Congress for 24 years before being defeated in the 2016 Democratic primary by Rep. Al Lawson, announced her decision to mount a comeback bid in Florida’s newly redrawn 10th Congressional District…

Shortly after Brown left Congress, she was convicted of 18 federal crimes, including wire fraud, mail fraud, filing false tax returns, and conspiracy, in a case stemming from a sham charity that prosecutors said Brown used as a slush fund to pay for vacations, lavish parties, and personal expenses.

I don’t even know what to say. This is how bad the Democratic Party has become, it seems.

A woman who served in office for 24 years was outed over shocking crimes. She used a “sham” charity to funnel money into her pockets.

She was caught, charged, and convicted. But she only served 2 years in jail.

(How long would a non-Democrat serve, if they were charged with that many crimes?)

And now, she thinks she can mount a comeback. You know what? She probably will win the nomination.

Democrat voters don’t seem to care that many of their candidates are convicted criminals. Will it even occur to some of those voters that Brown might commit the same crimes again if given the opportunity?

This isn’t a “three strikes and you’re out” kind of situation. If you abuse your office, you’re out.

For crying out loud, the woman was convicted. Shouldn’t that be enough for Democrats to say, “Hey, you know what? Maybe we should trust this woman to lead us.”

But we can’t be for certain they will do that, considering how many other crooks run the party.

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