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Chicago Democrat’s Closet Swings Wide Open – Records Show He Handed His Family Over $56K From Campaign Funds

Again and again, we find that Democrats elected to high office play fast and loose with the law.

Many of them outright break the law—but get away with it. Others flirt dangerously close with violations.

And it seems one Illinois rep is getting called out for some fishy dealings.

From Daily Caller:

Rep. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democratic congressman, has paid his wife and son roughly $56,000 from his campaign committee since 2019, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records…

His son Jeffrey has notably raked in close to $45,000 for mostly “field services” and “field operations services,” filings show, while his wife Paulette has been paid roughly $11,000 for “accounting services.”

What do ya know? A Chicago Democrat in hot water!

An Illinois, Chicago-area Democrat, Bobby Rush, is being called out for paying his wife and son thousands of dollars in campaign cash.

He paid his son $45,000 for “field services” and “field operations services.” According to the report, that mostly included door knocking, phone banking, and event work.

His wife was paid $11,000 for “accounting services.”

It is not against the law for a politician to hire and pay a family member for work during a campaign. But it is largely frowned upon, as it does not look good to voters.

But again and again, Democrats have been outed for doing this—usually by funneling large sums of cash to close family.

It’s hard not to assume a candidate is paying a family member a high price for these services than they would have someone else.

And voters might wonder if this is just a setup so that the candidate can transfer cash from their campaign into their own pockets.

It’s hard to prove, which is why this practice is suspicious at best.

Despite all these concerns, Democrats seem to do it all the time, paying their spouses or children high amounts for seemingly simple tasks.

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