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California Just Made Welfare History: They Become First State In The Union To Give Food Stamps To Non-Citizens

When the border crisis erupted shortly after President Joe Biden stepped into office, the illegal immigration issue roared back into the headlines. Record numbers of foreign travelers flooded across the border.

Former President Donald Trump’s crackdown on illegal migration appeared to be working according to DHS numbers, but Biden quickly reversed this trend.

Now, With More Non-Citizens In The U.S. Than Ever Before, Certain Blue States Are Deciding On More Handouts.

Republicans and Conservatives maintain that nobody who’s in this country illegally has any right to federal assistance. They also say non-citizens shouldn’t be voting in any elections, either.

California isn’t listening to this logic, however — and they just made welfare history.

Even though many state residents are having a tough time dealing with rampant inflation and cost of living expenses, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom is taxing them with a $35M bill.

It’s not for state infrastructure or schools, either. Instead, it’s to give illegal migrants something they don’t deserve, according to many Americans.

From Breitbart:

The sanctuary state of California will make history by becoming the first state in the nation to give food stamps to illegal aliens.

This week, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced a budget deal with Democrat state legislators that includes providing food stamps, paid for by California’s taxpayers, to illegal aliens 55 and older — the first initiative of its kind in the United States.

This will result in an expansion of the state’s CalFresh food stamp program, which will cost taxpayers over $35 million. Around 75,000 non-citizens are expected to sign up every year.

A representative from the group Nourish California said it’s an “historic policy” and they applauded the state “removing xenophobic exclusions to our state’s safety net.”

This comes not long after another historic move by California: Newsom’s budget deal gives free health insurance to the state’s 3.3 million illegal migrants as well. To many, it seems as if the state is simply paying for their entire lives.

That free insurance will cost California taxpayers around $2.4 billion annually and it’s slated to begin in 2024.

The news comes hot on the heels of the tractor trailer tragedy in Texas, which Gov. Greg Abbott blamed on the Biden administration. He wasn’t the only GOP governor to call out Democrats for this sad incident.

And while the border continues to crack and the nation’s security keeps failing, California continues to tax legal residents to care for the illegal ones.

This might be a large reason why many polls and surveys indicate a “red wave” for the midterm elections.

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