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Four Handcuffed And Arrested Over Texas Tractor-Trailer – They Are Being Charged In Trafficking Operation

This week, America was horrified to learn about an 18-wheeler packed with over 100 migrants found in San Antonio, TX.

At least 53 people were dead inside the tractor-trailer, which had smuggled these migrants over the border.

People are outraged, even as the left is mostly silent over this. And now, four people will face justice.

From Fox News:

Four men have been arrested after 53 migrants died when they were abandoned in a tractor trailer on a desolate road in San Antonio on Monday, the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas announced.

The alleged driver of the truck, 45-year-old Homero Zamorano Jr., is facing one count of alien smuggling resulting in death and faces life in prison or the death penalty if he is convicted.

He was found hiding in the brush near the truck on Monday evening after trying to get away from authorities, the U.S. Attorney said.

Four men have been arrested over the horrific discovery of an abandoned 18-wheeler in San Antonio, TX.

Apparently, two of the men were American citizens. Two others were Mexican nationals. All have residents in Texas cities and towns.

According to reports, Homero Zamorano Jr. drove the truck through a checkpoint in Laredo. The truck was carrying migrants from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.

As terrible as this tragedy is, you have to wonder how this truck was able to drive through a checkpoint?

Isn’t that what a checkpoint is for? To ensure large trucks aren’t packed with illegal substances or people?

Has Biden’s lax immigration policies fallen so far that border checkpoints aren’t even doing their job?

We can only assume yes. For a truck full of 100 people to breeze into the country, no questions asked is a powerful indictment against this administration.

The scum who smuggled these people through then just abandoned the truck, leaving the living trapped inside among the dead.

We can’t help but believe this act would have never happened if we had a president that enforced our border laws.

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