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Democrats Quietly Slip ‘Poison Pill’ Into Budget – They’re Boosting CDC, NIH Budgets But Eliminating The Hyde Amendment

Democrats are not done trying to undermine the Supreme Court’s decision to end Roe v. Wade.

Before they lose their majority in Congress, they are trying to protect abortion as much as they can.

They just voted to flood the CDC and NIH (two agencies that have dropped the ball in recent years) with cash. And they are making sure plenty of that money goes to abortions.

From Daily Caller:

The House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee for Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies advanced a budget Thursday that would add billions of new funding for health agencies and discard the Hyde amendment…

An attempt by Republicans to include the Hyde amendment in the bill was voted down 31-26, with Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, the only pro-life Democrat in the House of representatives, joining Republicans in voting for it, according to Bloomberg reported Jack Fitzpatrick.

Democrats in the House fought to increase the budgets of the Center for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health.

Both of these agencies were at the center of controversy, mixed guidance, and failures since 2020. Yet the Democrats wanted to reward these failed agencies with billions of new tax dollars.

And at the same time, remove the Hyde amendment, which denies federal dollars to be spent on abortions.

This could allow these agencies to pump states will cash to provide abortions. Or perhaps seek workarounds in states that ban the practice.

Democrats know they are in big trouble this November. Their constant failures over the economy are driving voters to kick them out of office.

It is likely this push to flood “health” agencies with cash, while removing the Hyde amendment, is a last-ditch effort to ensure abortion providers have cash enough to kill children for years to come.

The budget has moved from this committee to the House floor. It is possible it will not pass the House (but not likely).

It will then move to the Senate for approval. And, chances are, Republicans will demand the restoration of the Hyde amendment.


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