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Republican Leader Cracks Down On Protesters – Hawley’s New Law Makes Attacking Pro-Life Centers A Felony

After the landmark Supreme Court ruling that returned the abortion issue to the states, protesting and rioting erupted around the nation.

Reports of pro-life healthcare centers getting vandalized started to hit the news, and numerous marches and protests occurred in Washington D.C. and in other major cities.

This Has Led To The Introduction Of A New Law — And It’s Specifically Designed To Punish Protesters Who Go Too Far.

Not only were pregnancy centers targeted during the course of the unrest, but houses of worship came under attack as well. We also heard other examples of pushback that Definitely Crossed A Legal Line.

Pro-life advocates have expressed concern and fear, and many worry that they’ll be in the line of fire if the left-wing protesting spirals out of control.

That’s why Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has decided to push a new piece of legislation. It cracks down on anybody who goes after pregnancy centers and churches, and ratchets up the punishment.

Hawley also mentioned that Democrats are basically ignoring all these attacks, which is another reason he wants the bill to pass.

From Fox News:

 Senator Josh Hawley is unveiling legislation on Thursday to protect pregnancy resource centers and houses of worship after a spate of attacks from left-wing protesters in the wake of the Supreme Court’s abortion decision.

‘The Biden Administration has turned a blind eye while radical leftists attack pregnancy care centers and houses of worship,’ said the Senator. ‘And now left-wing politicians are trying to shut them down.’

Pro-life supporters have cited numerous examples of progressive activists targeting pregnancy resource centers and churches, and they’re frustrated that the government doesn’t even seem to acknowledge these reports.

They will also argue that authorities had fair warning: radical leftists warned about a “night of rage” if Roe v. Wade were overturned.

Sen. Hawley believes these assaults will continue, and we need to take strides now to stop them:

It’s time to put an end to the attacks and get tough on thugs who engage in violence, arson, and other means of destruction.

The penalties for going too far include felony charges and fines that could exceed $25,000. And if the attack results in arson, the bill demands a mandatory prison sentence of 7 years.

Additionally, the law gives pregnancy centers and churches no less than $20,000 if they want to pursue legal action after being targeted.

It’s the sort of legislation the pro-life crowd will undoubtedly support but unfortunately, there’s little chance it’ll pass.

With Democrats holding control of the Senate and the tie-breaking vote going to Vice President Kamala Harris, it seems unlikely the bill will get through. But it makes a strong statement and could be revisited.

Most experts and politicos predict a Major “Red Wave” in November, which could flip both the House and Senate.

And if that happens, bills like Hawley’s will suddenly have a much better chance of passing.

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