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After Ronny Jackson Pulls Back Curtain On Biden – Obama Email Slips Out Rebuking The White House Doc

Ronny Jackson served as the White House physician for many years. Now, he is one of many Republican representatives in Congress demanding answers over Joe Biden’s mental health.

On several occasions, Jackson called for Biden to undergo a cognitive exam, to confirm whether or not the man was in decline.

Now, we are learning that former President Obama reached out to Jackson… to get him to stop spreading the news.

From Fox News:

Former President Barack Obama reprimanded his own former White House physician for criticizing Joe Biden’s cognitive health on the 2020 presidential campaign trail, according to a forthcoming book…

“That’s why I have to express my disappointment at the cheap shot you took at Joe Biden via Twitter. It was unprofessional and beneath the office that you once held. It was also disrespectful to me and the many friends you had in our administration. You were the personal physician to the President of the United States as well as an admiral in the U.S. Navy. I expect better, and I hope upon reflection that you will expect more of yourself in the future,” Obama told Jackson.

After Ronny Jackson first spoke out on Joe Biden’s apparent mental decline, Obama quickly emailed him, rebuking him for speaking his mind.

It seems Biden was “disappointed” that this medical professional would express concern that Joe Biden—who was running for president—was suffering from mental illness.

According to the email, Obama tried to play on Jackson’s history and relationship with him, in an apparent attempt to manipulate him into silence.

Obama even claimed it was “beneath the office” that Jackson once held to be saying things about a man running for president.

In reality, we can see what was going on. Obama was angling to get Joe elected. And he probably feared that statements from Jackson could jeopardize Biden’s chances.

Why didn’t Obama reach out for confirmation from the doctor about his concerns? Doesn’t Obama care about Joe Biden?

Shouldn’t he have been worried that Biden was suffering mental decline? Apparently not.

He only cared about chiding a man who was getting in the way of the left’s goal of installing a sick man into the White House.


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