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After Congress Moves To Condemn Violence Against Pregnancy Centers – House Democrats Dare To Block It

In the aftermath of Roe’s elimination, abortion extremists have shown their true colors. Some have firebombed and vandalized churches, pregnancy centers, and other pro-life orgs.

House Republicans put forward a measure to protect these vital centers. But, in a move that appears to endorse attacks, Democrats block it.

From Breitbart:

House Democrats on Tuesday blocked a Republican resolution that would have condemned the violence seen by radical pro-abortion activists at churches and pro-life pregnancy centers in recent months…

Introduced by Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), House Resolution 1233 would have issued a widespread condemnation of the violence, vandalism, and threats that pro-abortion radicals have engaged in against pro-life pregnancy centers and Christian churches.

Well, how petty can you get? House Democrats blocked a resolution condemning attacks against churches and pro-life organizations.

By openly condemning these acts, Congress would have empowered law enforcement (not to mention law-abiding citizens) and upheld our First Amendment rights.

But by shooting this resolution down, Democrats are emboldening abortion extremists to continue their campaign of intimidation and fear.

If history has taught us anything, though, is that persecution often has the opposite results.

Pro-life groups are unlikely to give up, despite vandalism and other attacks. In fact, these actions will only further motivate Americans to support the pro-life agenda.

Clearly, though, that is not House Democrats’ goal. They’d rather stay silent on this kind of danger, just like they did during the riots of 2020.

Democrats are bitter and panicked over the end of Roe. They know these attacks won’t help them.

But it seems they are too petty and childish to put a stop to them.

Even Nancy Pelosi refused to condemn these actions during a press conference last month.

Where is the left’s integrity? Where is their upholding of law and order?

We certainly can’t say.

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