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Former Clinton Adviser Makes Landmark Prediction – We Might Actually See A Rematch Of Hillary Vs Trump

All eyes are turning to the 2024 presidential election. Although two years away, many are speculating what might happen.

Dick Morris, a former Clinton advisor and now-Trump supporter, is making a major prediction.

From The Western Journal:

Dick Morris… [is] forecasting a return of Hillary Clinton to the American political stage for the 2024 presidential campaign — and facing off against former President Donald Trump in a rematch of the 2016 fight.

Morris believes Biden’s low approval will mean the party will box him out. And that Clinton, ever-eager to return to the spotlight, will jump on the chance.

But he believes a major upcoming ruling from the Supreme Court will give Trump a massive win—and secure our elections.

From The Western Journal:

In the fall, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear the case of Moore v. Harper, an election law dispute out of North Carolina that would invest state legislatures with greater power over how elections are conducted…

“But when the court rules in this case, which they will next term, it will completely cut the governors out of the process, and those bills will be veto proof and take effect.”

Morris believes that how the 2024 Democratic primary shakes out will compel Clinton to run again.

In an election that will mirror 2016, he suspects it will come down to Trump vs. Clinton. And Trump will win again “handily.”

Another factor in Morris’ prediction is an upcoming case for the Supreme Court. In the Fall, the court will hear a case over an election law out of North Carolina.

He believes the court will rule in favor of giving state legislatures more power to decide election laws.

In several states, we have Republican-controlled legislatures, but with Democrat governors. These Republicans have passed laws to ban drop boxes, require ID, prevent ballot harvesting.

But, of course, Democrat governors have vetoed these laws.

How the court rules on this case could, Morris believes, allow states to pass election bills that cannot be vetoed.

We can’t be sure how that’s possible, since all bills will require a governor to sign into law. But this is Morris’ claim.

If that happens, major issues that have concerned voters will be put to rest. At least in red and swing states, measures will ensure a low possibility for fraud.

That will only go to Trump’s favor, meaning… we very well could have a 2016 repeat.

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