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Fox & Friends Put On Blast By President Trump – Donald Brutally Slams Them For ‘Dark Side’ Biased Reporting

If there was ever a glimmer of hope in the mainstream media, it was the morning program “Fox & Friends” on Fox News.

Trump was a long supporter of the program and would call in often during his presidency, undoubtely massively boosting their numbers as a result. But not anymore. After the show seemed to botch a recent poll, Trump has turned on them.

From TRUTH Social:

@foxandfriends just really botched my poll numbers, no doubt on purpose. That show has been terrible – gone to the “dark side.” They quickly quote the big Turning Point Poll victory of almost 60 points over the number two Republican, and then hammer me with outliers. Actually, almost all polls have me leading all Republicans & Biden BY A LOT. RINO Paul Ryan, one of the weakest and worst Speakers EVER, must be running the place. Anyway, thank you to Turning Point, the crowd & “love” was AMAZING!

Trump won big in a recent TPUSA straw poll. He beat Ron DeSantis with 78.7% of the poll.

While those are some of the strongest numbers we’ve seen, the poll has been consistent with similar polls that have come out since January 2021.

But Trump blasts Fox & Friends because it appears that they quickly ignored the TPUSA poll and focused on “outliers” that give Trump worse prospects.

The 45th president seemed to take this as a shot across the bow. The once-loyal show is now seemingly trying to undermine Trump’s future and role in the GOP.

Trump seems to think former House Speaker (and accused RINO) Paul Ryan of having a hand in this.

Ryan stepped down from public office and is apparently involved in Fox News. Trump accused him of “running the place” these days.

Could Ryan’s overall opposition to Trump’s America-first agenda be influencing Fox News?

Republican voters started to distrust Fox ever since the mess that was the 2020 Election. It seemed the “fair and balanced” network was quick to celebrate Biden’s “victory,” despite ongoing controversy.

The network, along with the rest of the MSM, refused to acknowledge Trump’s complaints and accusations.

This upsetting turn for Fox & Friends could mean the end of Trump’s lingering relationship with the network.

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