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Trump Set To Dominate In Swing State

During the 2020 presidential election, many states came down to the wire. Other states saw significant swings; while incumbent Donald Trump held a large lead early, it evaporated overnight.

Trump maintains this was due to the election being “stolen,” while Democrats say they’re no evidence of this and the mail-in ballots – counted last in the election – swung the contest in favor of Joe Biden.

But Now, Trump-Backed Candidates Are Set To Be Perfect In One Of The Most Controversial 2020 Election States.

Arizona is one of several states where Trump and other Republicans questioned the election outcome. It was also the last state to officially confirm their results, which led to further speculation.

However, that’s all in the past and now Trump’s chosen GOP candidates are evidently prepared to dominate.

While a few Republican nominees don’t want Trump’s endorsement, the former President’s backing has proven hugely beneficial. Most Trump-backed candidates have scored victories in recent election cycles.

It’s no different in Arizona, where all 4 of Trump’s picks appear to be headed toward big wins.

From Washington Examiner:

In two new state surveys, the four top Trump-backed GOP primary candidates are winning with comfortable margins over others, including a gubernatorial candidate backed by former Vice President Mike Pence.

First up is gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, who’s racing ahead of her opponent, Karrin Taylor Robson. The latter is backed by former Vice President Mike Pence, but it’s Trump’s pick that’s winning easily.

A new Rasmussen Reports poll shows Lake holding a hefty 9-point lead:

Courtesy: Trafalgar Group

In the state Senate race, Blake Masters has an even bigger lead of 12 points. Trump’s selection in this contest isn’t having any trouble with the other four opponents:

Courtesy: The Trafalgar Group

The race for Secretary of State isn’t much closer, as Trump-endorsed Mark Finchem currently has an 11-point advantage.

Lastly, the Attorney General election shows Abraham Hamadeh leading by 5 points, and he’s facing five competitors. If Hamadeh can hold on, it would allow Trump to go a perfect 4-0 in Arizona.

There are still many Arizona residents who side with Trump’s allegations about the 2020 election, and it’s possible that the state could flip red in 2024.

A growing “red wave” might be in the offing for the midterm election as well, with some predictions showing Republicans snagging a whopping 255 seats. Many experts have predicted the House will flip.

As for 2024, Trump hasn’t officially confirmed that he’s running again, but all indications are that he’ll announce a run later this year.

Most polls show Trump dominating the field of potential Republican candidates, though Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has enjoyed a recent surge. Many say a Trump/DeSantis ticket might be a winner.

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