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Missouri AG Fights Back Against FBI On 2nd Amendment – Denies Request To Review Concealed Carry Permits

It is no secret that now the current administration opposes law-abiding gun owners. Biden has advocated for extreme gun legislation in Congress. When that failed, he turned to federal agencies to do his dirty work.

It appears that the DOJ—which had just approved a raid on Trump’s home—tried to persuade one state to allow them to infringe on Americans’ liberties. As a result, the state’s attorney general advised them on where they could go.

From Trending Politics:

The Attorney General of Missouri, Eric Schmitt became aware last month that the FBI was contacting various sheriffs around the state, informing them to expect a visit from the FBI to inspect the department’s Concealed Carry Weapons permits…

Schmitt’s letter opens by informing Wray that Schmitt had become aware of the FBI’s intent to “audit” CCW permits at various county sheriff’s offices across the state.  Schmitt made clear that “Allowing federal agents from the FBI to have access to records of Missourians who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon violates Missouri law and infringes on our Second Amendment rights.”

This is extremely disturbing. The FBI allegedly contacted Missouri sheriffs, informing them that they would be investigating Concealed Carry Weapons permits.

That meant the federal government was attempting to obtain information on every Missouri resident with a concealed carry license.

Why would the FBI want to do such a thing? Unless, of course, it was secretly attempting to compile a federal database of gun owners?

Democrats have repeatedly attempted to create such a database, giving the federal government enormous power over free Americans.

And to scare Americans away from wanting to own a firearm for fear of being watched by the government.

When the state’s attorney general, Eric Schmitt, learned of this, he went on the offensive.

He personally sent a letter to the FBI’s director, informing him that the FBI will not have access to Missouri records.

Allowing the federal government access to those records, according to Schmitt, violates state law and violates the Second Amendment.

This is not the first time a Democrat administration has attempted to pull this stunt on Missouri!

he state law was passed during Obama’s presidency, when he attempted to obtain personal information on CCW holders.

Democrats must be desperate for this information. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also approached other states.

(You should be concerned if you have a concealed carry permit in a blue state.)

Imagine what the left would do if Republicans did not strongly oppose these abuses.

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