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Just One Year After Democrat Warnock Joins Senate – The Pastor And Senator’s Income Has Actually Doubled

Radical Democrat Raphael Warnock won a runoff race in 2021 to become a Georgia senator. The man leveraged his role as a pastor to win over some voters.

So, how has this man faired, since entering “public service”? Well, it seems that voting with Joe Biden 100% has paid off big time.

From The Washington Examiner:

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) saw his income more than double during his first year in the Senate, according to his recently filed financial disclosure…

Warnock’s combined income of $532,781 in 2021 is more than double the $221,601 he earned in 2020 before he defeated former Georgia GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler in early 2021, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

So much for “men of God” taking vows of poverty, huh?

This far-left Democrat earned $532,781 in 2021. Only $164,816 of that came from his salary as a U.S. senator.

He still received a salary as head pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, for which he got $120,965. Funny how he found time to be a senator and pastor a church (enough to earn that kind of salary).

But that was just for starters. He also received a $243,750 advance for his memoirs.

I guess print publishing isn’t dead! At least, for Democrats.

This doesn’t look good for Warnock, who is facing a re-election battle this November. Democrats claim to be servants of the people.

Instead, Warnock appears to be serving himself.

And this is nothing new, folks. Democrats always seem to get filthy, stinking rich after entering public office.

It’s almost as if… they are in it for the money!

And what has Warnock done to earn these big bucks? He supported far-left legislation that trigger inflation, sent billions to foreign countries, and expanded the welfare state.

His work has increased taxes, hurt the jobs market, and is taking money out of your pocket.


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