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Ron DeSantis Takes President Biden To Court – He Accuses Joe Of Denying Floridians Medicine For Political Reasons

During the pandemic, U.S. citizens started to notice that everything seemed to have a political angle. This could even include issues related to our health, which is a dangerous precedent.

Florida and Washington have been at odds ever since Joe Biden took office; the Democrats in D.C. don’t agree with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on a variety of important topics.

Now, DeSantis Is Leveling A Lawsuit Against The Biden Administration — And Once Again, Politics Might Be At The Core Of The Problem.

During a speech in Lakeland, Florida, the GOP leader talked about the FDA’s review of an application to get medications from Canada. It’s part of a drug importation program designed to save patients money.

These medications would treat a variety of ailments, but DeSantis thinks the application hasn’t gone through simply because Washington doesn’t like Florida’s political bent.

DeSantis’ attempt to get cheaper prescriptions from our northern neighbor has stalled, and during a speech in Lakeland, he made his suspicions clear.

From Fox News:

‘I’d hate to think that the Biden admin would not approve it just because it’s Florida, because they have issues with Florida politically … because this will benefit people … regardless of political persuasion.’

Florida was the first state to apply for the program back in November 2020, according to a Politico report.

President Biden signed an executive order to make the FDA implement the program, but the Sunshine State hasn’t seen anything yet. They’ve Waited Over 600 Days For The Application To Be Approved.

Florida Agency for Health Care Administration secretary Simone Marstiller provided that statistic and added, “This is not what government is supposed to do.”

DeSantis put in:

After 630 days, you know, we still sit here waiting for an answer. And so it’s our view that we’ve waited long enough.

We have a right to know what the FDA has been doing the last two years. Are they putting politics over patients? Are they putting the interest of Big Pharma over the interest of average Floridians?

The lawsuit asks a federal judge to force the FDA to approve the application.

Once again, it does appear as if politics might be playing a role. Government moves awfully slowly, of course, but Floridians are starting to wonder if there’s a more obvious reason they’re not getting this application through.

This legal action is just the latest of many the Biden administration has faced, and several have come from the state of Florida.

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