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Democrats Rocked By ‘Learning Loss’ School Report

We know how hard facts show just how damaging Democrats’ school lockdowns were. The National Center for Education Statistics reveals that reading proficiency dropped to a two-decade low.

Math scores are falling for the first time ever.

But Democrats refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They are even claiming they wanted to reopen schools.

From Fox News:

Democrats have argued that they always supported students returning to in-person instruction… even though Republican-led states like Florida succeeded in returning students to classrooms well before the Biden stimulus package…

Democrats widely condemned Trump and Republican governors like Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., for aggressively pushing for schools reopening in fall of 2020.

Give me a break. Everyone remembers how Democrats fought to keep schools closed.

Liberal-controlled teachers’ unions literally claimed reopening schools would “kill” teachers.

Democrats and liberal media outlets accused Republican states of endangering children and teachers for reopening.

Yet today, they are claiming that Democrats actually wanted schools to reopen, not Republicans.

The White House is claiming that Biden’s massive spending bill from March 2021 was what got schools reopened.

They are redressing stats to make it look like schools which were reopening over last year and now were doing so, because of Biden’s bill.

That is a big old goose egg.

Only a fraction of Biden’s spending bill was used to help reopen schools. Even with that money, teachers’ unions refused to budge.

On top of that, schools in states that voted for Trump in 2020 (meaning, Republican-led states) reopened 75% of the time.

Biden-backing states reopened 37.6% of the time.

So, who was really behind the reopening effort?

The only reason schools in blue states are open today is because parents pushed back against lockdown policies.

Numerous parents across the country challenged school boards, demanding schools to be reopened.

After a certain point, school districts had no choice–regardless of what teachers’ unions wanted.

This had nothing to do with Biden–in fact, this happened in spite of his party’s agenda.

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