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Joe Manchin Throws Cold Water On Biden’s Signature Order

In recent weeks, Sen. Joe Manchin has not been a favorite of Americans. He flip-flopped on federal spending to support Biden’s big tax-and-spend bill.

But it seems progressive Democrats will soon cancel his deal to build a pipeline. So much for loyalty.

And all the goodwill Manchin bought by supporting Biden might have run out. Because he’s turning on Biden’s student loan giveaway, saying it is “excessive.”

From Just the News:

West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin says President Biden’s student loan cancellation is “excessive” and argues other options exist to help people struggling with debt…

When asked whether that number was too much, Manchin said: “I just thought there was a better way to do it. You have to earn it. You have to earn it.”

Despite helping Joe increase taxes and spend trillions in the coming years, Sen. Manchin is drawing a line on student loan forgiveness.

The West Virginia Democrat called it “excessive.” Um… yeah. That pretty much sums up all of Biden’s reckless spending attempts.

The man is more socialist than Barack Obama. And that’s saying something!

Instead, Manchin thinks people struggling to pay off student loans should “earn it.” But he doesn’t seem to just mean getting a job and paying them off.

Manchin suggested to West Virginians that one way to pay off their loans is to go to work for the federal government.

That might be a feasible solution for some. And it’s a darn sight better than just giving away billions in tax dollars.

But from all appearances, Joe Biden does not seem ready to slow down this agenda.

House Republicans have signaled they are ready to sue the administration. It’s unclear if Biden even has the power to forgive student loans.

Some Democrats have said in the past that only Congress can do that. But they are staying mum right now because they are up for re-election.

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